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Carine Dognin- Formatrice
Diane Bouzebiba,Senior VPS.E&IS Amadeus IT Group
Alexandre Cabaud Head of CEO Office Amadeus IT Group
Carine Ricaud Team Manager. Orange Business
Isabelle Henry Directrice Générale Comtel Formation
Nathalie Faivre Directrice Générale Kocsi Formation
Antonio Joyanes: VP Energy Parks CEPSA
Manja van Stejn HR Director St Gobain Central Europe
Manja Van Stejn English version

I’ve used Hallos&Triads to help with a recent annual “Career Committee”. I found it particularly useful for the following reasons: 1. Balanced Evaluation: my decisions were not overly reliant on a single dimension (e.g., technical skills alone) but the framework allowed me to consider the employee as a whole. 2. Data-Driven Decisions: because it’s a structured assessment, it reduced bias, making career progression decisions fairer and equitable. 3 .Customization: the framework allowed me to tailor to specific roles (different roles require different colours and combinations), and this helped me ensure the evaluation criteria is aligned with the different job requirements. 4. Actionable Feedback: I can provide clear feedback on strengths and areas for improvement, empowering the team member to take ownership of their development, within a framework that they understand and practice. Some examples of how it helped me perform the evaluation: Competency: • I was able to better identify strengths and skill gaps, in relation to their role. • It supported me as a baseline for deciding if the team member is ready for roles requiring more complex skills or higher responsibility. • It guided me when thinking about training and development to prepare for either growth in the same role, or within another role. Behaviour: • It helped me to better understand how the team member conducts themselves at work, including attitudes, interpersonal skills, and adherence to organizational values. • It supported my decisions on behavioral gaps that could hinder success in other positions. Potential: • It helped me to somewhat predict long-term success in higher roles or new challenges. • I was able to have insights for succession planning and organizational talent pipelines. Many thanks again for all of your support in 2024!!! Looking forward to 2025 together!

The management of an extremely diverse team presented conflicts and an uncertain future, but through working with the Hallos Triads method, we were able to build a common and interdependent agenda between people. It is very gratifying to see that a self-awareness method led the organization to develop individually andcollectively in a reliable, integrated, and consistent manner. It was a personal and professional turnaround. This experience brought us the main consequences of constructing the team's purpose and concrete and superior results, which repositioned us internally and externally. We transformed the Supply Chain together and effectively became a competitive advantage!"

After 15 years leading teams and using tens of courses and methods, Hallos has enabled me to establish the best routes to maximize the communication with the people of my team and also managing myself efficiently and simply. Undoubtedly, this is the method that I have retained the most and put into practice due to its simplicity and effectiveness. And I am totally sure it was the most successful one for my team.

Hallos Relations had a great impact on me. It served to make me better understand and become more aware of how I interact and the impact I cause in others. It has helped me in the relationship with my husband, and it was revealing to understand my profile and his. I use it in all my coaching sessions. It is a wonderful and easy methodology. It is very useful for teamwork, conflict, and negotiation.

"Yannick is absolutely a fantastic person and professional. He knows how to maintain relationships and network alive. Very committed, reliable and passionate for his job. An excellent mentor and coach. Also very flexible, able to adapt easily to Client's demands. He is accountable, collaborative, inspiring and supportive.

Marisa is a very talented and passionate professional, who successfully combines her business focus with strong people development building skills. We have managed complex projects and it was a delight to work with her. I would strongly recommend working with Marisa for company, group or individual based coaching!

As a transition Manager, you need to decide and move rapidly, to best meet the requirements of the Business or solve emergency situations. However, dealing with human issues is not always as easy and rapid as you would like it to be ... You thus need to find support or valuable advice to tackle with some difficult problems … I have worked with Yannick on many opportunities, always on "hard cases". I have appreciated both his talents for dealing with personal issues as well as his capacity to understand business constraints and help to find and implement the right answers. His involvement has always proved to be the perfect answer to the problems raised.

An insightful coach and facilitator, Yannick has an ability to quickly get under the skin of the individuals he is working with, uncovering core drivers, strengths and development areas. He is immensely versatile from a delivery point of view, effective at 1-to-1 coaching as well as facilitating groups. Apart from being a tru professional in the HR field, understanding businesses, he is also a lovely colleague and I wish we could work together more regularly.

I have worked with Yannick over the past two years and appreciate his insightful and brave approach to development. He is scrupulously honest and persistently focused on ensuring others can develop to fulfil their potential.

J'ai gardé un excellent souvenir de ma collaboration avec Yannick Delamare; il a grandement contribué à me faire évoluer de façon significative dans ma manière de communiquer avec mes clients et de collaborer de façon efficace avec mes collègues. Yannick est une personne qui sait mettre en valeur les capacités de chacun.”

Yannick was the director of our European office for 10 years and acting as the liaison between our headquarters in California and those working with us in Europe. Walking the tight line between the demands of the US parent company and the realities of the European distributors was a difficult task that Yannick handled exceptionally. The distributors performed better because they all enjoyed working with Yannick, felt that he was there to represent their interests and wanted to succeed along side him.

La découverte de la méthode Hallos Triads m'a appris à mieux me connaitre et à mieux comprendre les autres, cela permet effectivement de mieux communiquer et de créer une certaine harmonie avec notre entourage, je dirais que les choses deviennent plus simples du coup.

We have been working on a Team coaching program with Marisa that has helped us move become a high performance team. Well constructed, smart and motivating, this program is to be recommended to all high performing teams, regardless of the business area. And it was fun for all of us!

C’est une technique géniale, maintenant je vois les gens autour de moi, colorés en donnant du sens à la relation !

A la suite d'un "burn out", mon médecin généraliste m'a orienté vers vous. En 6 à 7 séances, j'ai pu progresser dans ma vie professionnelle et personnelle. J'ai repris le travail, fait du ménage dans ma vie, localisé et accepté mes faiblesses. J'ai maintenant des outils simples pour mieux gérer mon équilibre émotionnel, et surtout comprendre le pourquoi de mes difficultés. Je peux maintenant mieux aider les autres sans en pâtir. Un grand merci pour cet accompagnement.

Questionnaire simple, feedback très constructif , approche très professionnelle et pleine de bons conseils amenant à des conclusions très pertinentes.

Les responsabilités des dirigeants leur font parfois oublier les fondamentaux qui constitue leur entreprise. Dans un marché toujours plus concurrentiel, les obligations, les pressions diverses transforment l'entreprise en en oubliant la composante humaine. Le travail réalisé avec vous nous a permis de repositionner l'humain au centre de notre entreprise, en faisant ainsi sa plus grande force."

Marisa is a great professional, she has a lot of experience and is totally focused on the objectives set, with a very practical and effective methodology. She helped us to better understand our team, and to challenge ourselves individually for personal and group improvement. Without a doubt, a before and after after having had her collaborating with us.

Yannick est intervenu pendant plus de 15 ans en communication relationnelle au sein de Polytech Montpellier.Il a appris aux futurs ingénieurs à se positionner dans les relations interpersonnelles avec empathie et respect, ce qui est un savoir-être fondamental pour toute personne amenée à exercer des responsabilités managériales.Et il est intéressant de voir que, souvent des années après, d'anciens étudiants citent son cours parmi ceux qui les ont le plus marqués et leur ont appris sur eux-mêmes.

The way you have been training and providing coaching to better manage the stress has had very positive and important impact on all our participants (from varying international background) and also on myself. You are a great team player and flexible in a constantly changing environment and needs. It is a real pleasure and constant learning experience to work with you .

Méthode ludique, avec un côté inhabituel, varié. La compréhension est immédiate, l'auto-découverte bluffante. Les résultats sont rapides, concrets, l'approche est très pertinente, elle invite à regarder la différence comme une force et une complémentarité.

L'aspect ludique de la pédagogie de la méthode est très intéressant. L'avancée se fait par palier, progressivement. Ce fut un moment intense, très fort et très riche. J'ai pu dès le lendemain utiliser la méthode dans mes relations avec facilité et des résultats immédiatement visibles. Un voile s'est levé, j'ai une meilleure perception de ce qui se passe. Je pense que Hallos Triads sera une belle valeur ajoutée dans l'équipe.

After 30 years in the company, having gone through many team building sessions and offsite meetings, this is the first time after the HallosTriads training I feel we are leaving with a better bonding amongst the team members.

This year was the second year in a row that we have worked with the Hallos Triads tool within the group of managers of our business unit. What surprised us most in the first year, when we all discovered the methodology, was how accurate the diagnosis of each of the team members was. It was surprising to discover that with such a small number of questions, it was possible to identify each of us so accurately. The colours also helped enormously in recognising the behaviours and remembering them. The first thing that this diagnosis provoked in the team was a reflection on each one of us that led us to identify our behaviours with the type of person that the colours represented. Putting them together was also quite revealing, because we discovered that we could understand each other better. With this shared knowledge we found it easier to correct each other, initiate difficult conversations and help each other. Over time, and in the sessions that followed, we discovered, almost like in a game, that we could use Hallos Triads to solve problems or to make better decisions. For us, the three most relevant uses of the tool have been the following: - Helping us to understand how our team works by identifying the predominant colours and needs of the team. We now understand better how we compensate each other as team members and what kind of behaviours we need to modify or need to incorporate in which situations. - It provides a methodology of analysis, by practising as a group problem solving, defining strategies or finding solutions from the perspective of each of the colours. When done as a group, the tool provides a precise analysis of weaknesses and strengths and helps to significantly improve the quality of the final result. - It improves team cohesion, commitment and ownership of decisions. By practising the exercises in a group, we are able to empathise with each other as we interpret the world view from the perspective of a colour, which is not the natural one for us. We see this as an effective way of putting ourselves in the shoes of others. In short, the experience with this tool is very enriching and has allowed us to improve as a team, solve specific problems and define strategies not only in a more effective way, but also in a fun and rewarding way.

After 15 years leading teams and tens of courses and methods, Hallos has enabled me establishing the best routes to maximize the communication with the people of my team, and also managing myself efficiently and simply. Undoubtedly, this is the method that I have retained the most and that I put into practice due to its simplicity and effectiveness. And I am totally sure it was the most successful one for my team.”  

Dans le cadre d’une transformation majeure au sein de mon entreprise, il était important que je puisse trouver rapidement les leviers me permettant de manager à la fois dans la diversité et dans un environnement contraint et évolutif.  La méthode Hallos m’a permis d’avoir une bonne connaissance de soi, de comprendre, d’apprécier et surtout, reconnaitre les différents styles humains qui m’entourent. Aujourd’hui je la pratique dans mon quotidien,  dans mon organisation professionnelle équipe et au-delà mais aussi personnellement. La prise de conscience individuelle et collective de notre complémentarité à former un tout, me permet d’accompagner cette transformation plus sereinement et avec efficacité. En l’utilisant nous sommes prêts à apprendre et à construire ensemble. En 6 mois à peine, l’équipe interagit, construit notre nouveau modèle d’organisation et les premiers résultats sur des modes de fonctionnement communs sont visibles.  C’est la clé de la réussite pour accompagner et manager, merci Hallos Triads !!! »

Alors tout d'abord un grand merci commun pour la formation et le coaching intégré, qui m'ont fait grandir, avancer, intégrer très concrètement de nouveaux concepts, avec une qualité d'écoute et de bienveillance très très appréciée....j'ai adoré. Un grand MERCI à vous deux !